November 23, 2015
Tessa's dakimakura - Front
This is the front of an double illustration i made for a dakimakura. The character's name is Tessa and it was created by Chirutai, below some information about her.
"Mediocre student by day, fearsome heroine by night, Tessa has been fighting exams and evil for so long that she does not have much care left for most things and most people.
Something else she lacks is sleep, working two ‘jobs’ has her on a tight schedule. Have her lie down on a bed, she would rather take this opportunity to nap it off. Had something else in mind? You are out of luck.
…Unless you can use to your advantage the one thing she does not lack at all: shame, her one true weakness.
Your secret weapon against her? Blackmail.
Better start stalking her and take a snapshot or two that one time she slips up while working her ‘second job’."
Original Character,