February 14, 2010

"Crest of the Dickgirls of the Stars" commission

Crest of the Dickgirls of the Stars

Crest of the Dickgirls of the Stars, a Crest of the Stars (Seikai no Monshou) series of three futanari pinup commissioned by Mechafetish.

In the first image you can see Kenesh and Spoor, in the second one Lekshue and Atosurya and the third and final image you can see Lafiel and Ekurya.


Crest of the Dickgirls of the Stars, una commission composta di tre immagini futanari tratte dall'anime Sekai no Monsou (purtroppo inedito in Italia).

La prima immagine vede coinvolte i personaggi di Kenesh e Spoor, la seconda immagine invece Lekshue e Atosurya, mentre l'ultima i personaggi di Lafiel and Ekurya.
